There is a serious risk of contracting psittacosis from close contact with sick or dead animals, so it’s important to take steps to prevent this from happening. By following these three essential steps, you can protect yourself from the disease.

Be sure to keep your windows and doors closed when you’re not inside to prevent disease-causing bacteria from entering your home.

When you’re not inside, make sure to keep your windows and doors closed so that disease-causing bacteria can’t get into your home. This means that you should also keep your bird feed clean to avoid getting sick. Wearing a face mask when outside is also important to protect yourself from psittacosis.

Make sure your bird feed is free of droppings and dried bird blood, which can contain psittacosis bacteria.

Keeping your bird feed free of droppings and dried bird blood is an important way to prevent psittacosis. Not only will this help to keep your home free of disease-causing bacteria, it can also help to feed your birds in a healthy way.

Droppings and dried bird blood contain high levels of psittacosis bacteria. If you’re concerned about contracting this disease, be sure to keep your feed free of both items. Try not to place your feed near windows or doors where bacteria could enter, and wear a face mask when outside to avoid contact with sick or dead animals.

Wear a face mask when you’re outside, and try to avoid close contact with sick or dead animals.

If you’re worried about getting psittacosis, one of the best ways to protect yourself is to wear a face mask when you’re outside. Psittacosis is a dangerous parasitic infection that can be spread through close contact with sick or dead animals. By following these three essential steps, you can help prevent psittacosis from occurring.

The three essential steps to preventing psittacosis from occurring are to keep your windows and doors closed, make sure your bird feed is free of droppings and dried bird blood, and wear a face mask when you’re outside. Doing these things will help protect you from getting psittacosis.

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