All our attendees receive a binder full of great resource materials. Our reference binder will be retained and passed around at bird clubs and between bird owners! It will contain informative articles, information on the symposium, the speakers’ biographies, and advertisements for parrot products and services.
We expect to hand out approximately 150 binders to:
Bird Clubs/Society Representatives
Here is how you can get involved!
Advertise in the binder for $100 per one page ad
You supply the advertisement on a three hole-punched page (150 copies)
Sample and Catalogue Distribution available (prices based on items to be distributed)
Doreen Albion
Phone: 250-477-9982
Fax: 250-477-9935
Email: [email protected]
Or by mail to:
Canadian Parrot Symposium West
Box 35065, Hillside Postal Outlet,
Victoria, BC, V8T 5G2